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Editing organizational information

Jan 3, 2020, 12:00:00 PM UTC

In order to go to editing organizational information form:

  1. Go to admin panel: Manage events -> Your event.
  2. In top menu choose Event
  3. Choose Edit event data.
  4. Go to last tab: Organizational information

I. Formatting

Content of organizational information can be formatted up to some point. It requires special syntax.

Text's look

# Header 1
## Header 2
### Header 3

**Bold text**
*Italic text*

Links to external pages

[text of a link](


In order to separate text to different paragraphs it must be separated with one empty line:

Paragraph 1

Paragraph 2

II. Lists

In order to create unordered list with indentation you must use following syntax:

- element 1
- element 2
- element 3


* element 1
* element 2

If you want to increase indentation you must add 4 spaces like below:

- element 1
    - element 1.1
- element 2

For ordered list you must use numbers:

1. Element 1.
2. Element 2.

III. Tables

To create a table you need yo use following syntax:

| First Header  | Second Header |
| ------------- | ------------- |
| Content Cell  | Content Cell  |
| Content Cell  | Content Cell  |

It will create table as follows:

First Header Second Header
Content Cell Content Cell
Content Cell Content Cell

Be mindful about number of columns. In mobile view there might not be enough space to properly render big table.

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