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How team results are calculated?

Aug 30, 2024, 3:24:00 PM UTC

MartialMatch software allows for easy calculation of team results and sharing them online.

Basic way of calculating points

Each competitor participating in the competition earns points for their team, under which they are registered. Points are awarded for places from I to III.

The represented team is chosen during the registration for the event, it is a field next to the category selection:

Only the Team field matters when it comes to team scoring. More precisely, it is the identifier (ID) of the club in the system.

Everyone can create a team in the system, i.e. by creating teams with the same name, each team will get a different identifier.

Team identifier is visible next to the team name in the search window:

ℹ️ Example: If we have two competitors who represent the team #456 Berserker's Team and #789 Berserker's Team, both teams have different identifiers, so points are awarded separately.

The result shared by the organizer will contain only points that come from the categories selected for sharing. This allows for creating a team classification for different age classes.

Additional options for calculating points

Application offers additional options that affect the calculation of team points:

  • ☑️ Count points for parent academies
  • ☑️ Do not count one competitor categories
  • ☑️ Do not count categories with only two competitors from one team
  • ☑️ Use extended classification
  • ☑️ Show ex aequo places

Count points for parent academies

The problem described earlier with the same named teams with different identifiers can be solved by counting points for parent academies.

It means that each team can have assigned membership. When the organizer selects the option to count for parent academies, teams that have set membership will report to the designated teams.

⚠️ Note: Counting for parent academies takes into account only memberships that have been set at least 1 day before the event date. I.e. if we set the membership for the team on the day of the event, such a team will not report to the parent team!


We have two teams:

  • Berserker's Team
  • Berserker's Team Wielkopolska, membership = Berserker's Team.

The organization sets the counting of points for parent academies. All points earned by competitors from Berserker's Team Wielkopolska will be reported to Berserker's Team.

Team Berserker's Team Wielkopolska will not have its own team classification, and points will be counted only for Berserker's Team. In the shared online result, you will be able to see which teams make up the result of Berserker's Team.

Do not count one competitor categories

If we check the option Do not count one competitor categories, then categories in which only one competitor starts will not be taken into account in the team classification. The team does not earn points for winning the 1st place.

This option is often used in tournaments based on IBJJF rules.

Do not count categories with only two competitors from one team

If there are two competitors from the same team in the category, the category will not be taken into account in the team classification. The team does not earn points for winning the 1st and 2nd place.

Use extended classification

Extended classification allows for awarding points for higher places from 3rd upwards. This will allow the organizer to choose how many points to award the team for taking 4th or 5th place.

In the online results, it will also be shown how many points a given team has collected for higher places.

Show ex aequo places

If we check the option Show ex aequo places, then teams that have scored the same number of points in the team classification will have the same place.

E.g. if the best teams have scored the same number of points, both teams will be in 1st place, and the next teams will be in 2nd, 3rd, etc.

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