Organize your event with MartialMatch

Welcome to MartialMatch, easy to use and affordable tournament software for organizing combat sport events.


You can contact me at the following e-mail address:

💡 If you have question related to the event (e.g. payment, registration, etc.) please contact the event organizer.

You can find the contact information on the event page. Navigate first to the event calendar and click on the event you are interested in.

The easy-to-use platform simplifies running martial arts events: manage participants, create brackets in various systems, conduct matches, and publish results seamlessly.

The software supports competitions in the following formats:
BJJ ADCC MMA Wrestling Submission Only Sambo And more...

Simple pricing 0.50 €

€0.50 per registered participant. No subscription. You pay only for the participants that actually register for your event.

Risk free

We settle after the event. You don't pay anything upfront. If you don't like my services, you don't pay anything. Simple as that.

Works on any system

My application doesn't require installation of any external software to run, everything happens in the browser. You use MartialMatch on any computer.

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